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    Crew Management

    At Charter Fleet Marine, we understand that the success of any maritime operation relies heavily on the competence and reliability of its crew. That's why we are your trusted partner in delivering top-notch marine crew handling services to meet your every need.


    Charter Fleet Marine is a leading provider of marine crew handling solutions. With years of experience in the industry, we have established a reputation for excellence, ensuring our clients receive the highest quality crew members to navigate their vessels, maintain their equipment, and meet the unique demands of the maritime sector.


    Our Commitment


    Our commitment to excellence sets us apart. We are dedicated to providing you with a skilled and experienced crew that meets your specific requirements. Whether you're seeking highly-trained deckhands, seasoned engineers, or proficient navigators, we have the expertise to source and manage the right personnel for your vessels.



    Expertise: Our team of marine professionals possesses in-depth knowledge of the industry, allowing us to match your needs with the right crew members.

    Safety First: We prioritize safety above all else. Our crew members undergo rigorous training to ensure they meet the highest safety standards.

    Reliability: You can count on Charter Fleet Marine to provide a reliable and efficient crew, ensuring smooth operations for your vessels.

    Cost-Efficiency: We understand the importance of managing costs in the maritime industry. Our crew handling services are designed to optimize your budget while delivering quality personnel.

    Our Services

    Crew Sourcing: We have an extensive network of qualified marine professionals ready to serve your needs.

    Crew Management: From recruitment and training to scheduling and payroll, we handle all aspects of crew management so you can focus on your core operations.

    Emergency Response: In the event of unforeseen circumstances, we provide rapid-response solutions to ensure your vessels remain operational.


    Ready to experience the Charter Fleet Marine difference? Contact us today to discuss your crew handling needs. We look forward to partnering with you to achieve success in the maritime industry.

    At Charter Fleet Marine, we are your trusted crew handling partner, dedicated to keeping your vessels sailing smoothly. Your success is our priority, and our commitment to excellence ensures your peace of mind on every voyage.